Performance Series in Public Space
Curated by Emily Barsi

The fourth edition of en plein air, a perfomance series in public space, is taking place between July and October 2021 in urban green areas, parks, and public streets.

This year, three international artists have been invited to realize projects: Hans Schabus, Andrej Polukord, and Silvia Hell. Their work focuses on interactions with passers-by who are invited to join in and become part of the performance.

Hans Schabus

In Search of the Endless Pillar (Three Suitcases) 2021

July 23 and 24 (all day)

Andrej Polukord

Galerie Uberall

Due to weather conditions postponed to Sunday 12th September, 1 – 4 pm

Arts area in Munich

Part of the program VARIOUS OTHERS 2021 and the Lithuanian Year of Culture „Without Distance: Lithuanian Culture in Bavaria 2021“. In cooperation with the Lithuanian Culture Institute.

Silvia Hell

Wind Pressure Concert

for a diverse orchestra, audience, and fine dust particles

1.30 pm, English Garden (Monopteros) and 
4.00 pm, River Isar ( in front of the Maximilian Church)

Sunday, October 10

In cooperation with Frida Split and Nicola Ratti
with the participation of individual members of the Express Brass Band and Embryo

In case of bad weather both concerts will take place at the Monopteros!
We would be happy to receive a binding registration at

In network with “On Air” Carico Massimo


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